BCBA® Exam
Practice & Preparation

Our BCBA® practice exams and preparation resources have a reputation for being challenging and helping to prepare you for the “real” exam. Mastering our tests means that you’re prepared for the exam. We are dedicated to making our tests comparable to the BCBA® exam, in order to increase generalization of your test-taking skills to the testing environment! 

Event Calendar

Package Deals

All You Need, Guaranteed
First, meet with Meiko for a 30-minute individual session by Zoom (unless you'd rather not). We'll acquaint you with the materials, and develop an individualized test-taking skills strategy and study plan. 
"Task List Review" exclusively for "All you need" purchasers. Just like it sounds, we'll review the task list from top to bottom. These are live, small-group sessions. They are recorded, too. These will be Tuesday/Thursday at 2-3 PACIFIC TIME.
BCBA®/BCaBA® 5th ed. Task List Video training included (Sections A-I). About 9 1/2 hours.
All of our "regular" mini-mock exams, by task list section (always explanations)
Our "mixed" mini-mocks. 100 questions from randomized task list sections.
4 full mock exams total, with explanations for every question AND every answer.
Audio Mock! A 100-question audio file for you fun and enjoyment.
Downloadable/printable study guide. Over 200 pages.
If you don't pass, we'll give you a tutoring session and continued materials access, unless you'd like a refund. (see guarantee details)
Access for an entire year.
Break Down the BEAST! You get access to any and all of our live and recorded breakdown sessions. Over 1000 questions to review, at the time of this writing. Really "get in there" and understand how to break questions down thoroughly.
Task List Marathon Weekends: In a 12-hour marathon, we go through the task list. Crazy.
Enroll now
30-day crunch, crash, crush it course
BCBA®/BCaBA® Video Training included. 9 1/2 hours of task list review with examples.
13 "Mini-mock" exams also included (25-question quizzes in each task list section). Always explanations for every answer. Shoot for an 80%.
2 full mock exams; explanations for all questions
An entire year's access.
Enroll now

Live Events

Task List Marathon, weekend of June 22nd & 23rd (7am-1pm, Pacific both days)
Two, six-hour sessions. We go over tons of questions and make our way through the BCBA® 5th Edition Task List!
Go 12-hours deep through the task list
Try to answer exam questions in real time, as you watch
Get explanations for all answers. Reach out with questions by email: info@behavioranalystsupervisor.com
Really understand the concepts, and you will pass!
Enroll now

Break down questions and answers in this 4-hour marathon over Zoom.

Almost everyone can narrow the answers down to the best two. We’ll show you what to look for and how to choose the right one. It’s not just knowing the definitions or even larger concepts. If you can explain why an answer best fits the question/scenario and why the others don’t, you will pass. This is what we want for you and we continue to support you in developing this skill. Join us once, once a month or consider upgrading to our “All you need” package which includes the 22 other previous recordings. We’ll review approximately 45 DIFFERENT questions in each recording.

Break Down the BEAST! Saturday, August 31st, 2024 8am-noon, Pacific.
Break Down the BEAST! Saturday, July 13th 2024 8am-noon, Pacific.

All the BEAST Break Downs In One Package

  • Join our upcoming BEAST sessions (above), or just purchase all of them together and watch them at your leisure!
  • We have compiled a year’s worth of 4-hour recordings (23 in all). This is nearly 100 hours of breaking down questions, and showing you how to do it, too.
  • This is Kevin’s favorite study tool, as it shows you what you’ll really need to do in order to slay that BEAST.
  • Upgrade to our “All you need” package (with everything we’ve got) at any time and we’ll credit your previous purchases.
A year's worth of BEAST recordings
360 day access

Just mock exams

Choose two or three full mock exams together.  You’ll get 30-days access, complete with explanations for every answer. If these interest you, check out our money-back guaranteed packages, too. It might be worth it to have a guarantee.

These 185-question exams always come with thorough explanations – not just for the correct answer – but for all options. We want you to know why that one answer is right and the “other” answers are less so. Questions are provided in the same approximate proportion by task list section as the “real deal.” We pride ourselves on creating difficult exams, so shoot for a 70% to know that you are “on par” to pass the BACB® exams. You’ll have 3 options for taking the test: timed, untimed w/immediate feedback and timed w/feedback at the end.

These are all 14 of our 25-question “mini” tests: one for each task list section, plus some extras. As always, explanations for every answer, too. These are a little more fun, as they take less than 30 minutes. Shoot for an 80%.

Mocks #1 and #2 (30-day access)


Use Exams #1 and #2 to study, practice and learn. You can take each exam in one of three formats: feedback withheld until the end of the test (untimed), immediate feedback after answering a question and a timed version. For longer access and a guarantee, look at our money-back packages.

Mocks #3 and #4 (30-day access)


Use Exams #3 and #4 to study, practice and learn. You can take each exam in one of three formats: feedback withheld until the end of the test (untimed), immediate feedback after answering a question and a timed version. For longer access and a guarantee, look at our money-back packages.

3 full mock exams (30-day access)


Use Exams #1, #2, and #3 to study, practice and learn. Shoot for a 70% on your first attempt, and be sure to go over the explanations. You can take each exam in one of three formats: feedback withheld until the end of the test (untimed), immediate feedback after answering a question and a timed version. For longer access and a guarantee, look at our money-back packages.

4 full mock exams (45-day access)


Use all of our exams #1-4. A 70% or better on your first attempt at these strongly predicts passing the BACB® exam. You can take each exam in one of three formats: feedback withheld until the end of the test (untimed), immediate feedback after answering a question and a timed version. For longer access and a guarantee, look at our money-back packages.

Exam #1 (30-day access)


Our first 5th edition mock exam comes with a few extras. First, there are 185 questions instead of 160. This is what test-takers will now see on the “real deal.” You’ll also get three different versions of this mock. You can take it the “regular” way by getting your score and review of explanations at the end of test, or immediately after answering each question or a timed version. You choose.

Exam #2 (30-day access)


This is the 2nd of our 5th edition mock exams. It also comes with 185 questions instead of 160. This is what test-takers will now see on the “real deal.” You’ll also get three different versions of this mock. You can take it the “regular” way by getting your score and review of explanations at the end of test, or immediately after answering each question or a timed version. You choose.

Exam #3 (30-day access)


This is the 3rd of our 5th edition mock exams. It also comes with 185 questions instead of 160. This is what test-takers will now see on the “real deal.” You’ll also get three different versions of this mock. You can take it the “regular” way by getting your score and review of explanations at the end of test, or immediately after answering each question or a timed version. You choose.

Exam #4 (30-day access)


This is the 4th (and final?) of our 5th edition mock exams. It comes with 185 questions. You’ll also get three different versions of this mock. You can take it the “regular” way by getting your score and review of explanations at the end of test, or immediately after answering each question or a timed version. You choose. Be sure to review the explanations and reach out with questions.

Set of mini-mocks (30-day access)


14 mini-mocks in one bundle. One 25-question mini-mock for each section A through I. 25 questions in A, 25 in B, 25 in C, etc. Then, we’ve added 4 more “mixed” mini-mocks. For these, you won’t know the task list section – which tends to make it a little bit harder. As always, make sure that you review the answers and explanations. There’s also a pos/neg. reinforcement/punishment mini for a bonus!

Videos and Study guides

Review, practice, pass


A thorough video review of the 5th edition task list, using scenarios, examples and provocative questions. This really makes you think about each task list item, as you add to your fluency. The videos are about 9.5 hours, total. These are included in our money-back guaranteed packages, but it stands alone just fine.

Study Guide Sample

Practice Exam 3

Study Guide (220+ pages)


Study Guide, 5th Edition: Our downloadable/printable 220+ page study guide is popular with those of us “old schoolers” who like to write notes all over the page. A plethora of definitions and examples are presented. We encourage you to develop your own examples after reading through ours.